Responsibility BEFORE Conference
Some pre-conference planning & preparation may be necessary.
1. In the case of specific sessions, scheduled as Discussion Forums/Panel Discussions to address specific
topics or issues, it is the responsibility of the Session Facilitator – in advance of Conference, to prepare for
the session/s by liaising with the Panelists to plan the session. If applicable this could also include input from
the Adapt IT System Owners.
2. Other types of facilitated sessions may require a different approach and some advance ‘homework’ or
‘research’ into the specific topic, may be necessary in order to prepare for the session.
3. if applicable, email your PowerPoint Slide Presentation to the ITS Integrator User Group Administrator, Mrs.
Bella Lamprecht, bella@itsiug.org.za by no later than the Friday, in the week immediately prior to the start of
Responsibility DURING Conference
4. If you were unable to supply your slide presentation ahead of conference, then immediately on arrival at
conference, please ensure that you visit the Conference Office and arrange with a member of EXCO to
upload your Presentation to the Conference server.
5. Session Control: ensure that delegates are seated promptly, and that the session begins & ends on time.
6. Welcome all delegates, introduce yourself as the Facilitator/Moderator plus introduce the Adapt IT
Representative/s and the Scribe (if applicable).
7. Request that participants introduce themselves when asking questions, speaking to a proposal and/or
interacting with the Facilitator or Adapt IT Representative/s.
8. Where applicable initiate discussion and keep the momentum going. If necessary, draw on the expertise of
the Adapt IT Representative/s, to respond to questions of a more technical nature and/or on specific aspects
of the system.
9. At the conclusion of the session, thank the Panelists, Adapt IT Representative/s & Scribe(if applicable).
10. Ensure that you obtain the notes from the Scribe(if applicable) or alternatively exchange contact details and
make arrangements to be in contact with the Scribe immediately after the Conference.
Responsibility AFTER Conference.
11. After the Conference, in conjunction with the Scribe, prepare a report on the Session. Detail the proposals
for enhancements and briefly outline the motivation and recommendations of the group.
12. If applicable, include requests for Specialist Working Teams (SWTs) or Workshops with details on the
motivation for the event.
13. Submit the report to the ITSIUG EXCO c/o the Administrator and Events Co-ordinator, Mrs. Bella
Lamprecht bella@itsiug.org.za within twenty-one (21) days of Conference