1. Collect the gifts for the Presenter and yourself as Chairperson, from the Conference Office, prior to the start
of the session. Also collect the ‘Time Keeping Cards’ and return to the office after the session.
2. Ensure that delegates are seated promptly, and that the session begins on time.
3. Welcome all delegates to the session, introducing yourself as the Chairperson, thereafter, introducing the
Presenter and if applicable, the Adapt IT Representative/s.
4. Request that participants introduce themselves when asking questions and/or interacting with the Presenter.
5. Keep track of time and advise the Presenter when the presentation period is nearing an end. Allow sufficient
time for questions and discussion at the end of the session.
6. Advise the delegates that wherever possible the Presentations will be made available within thirty (30) days
of Conference and that these can be accessed via the ITS Integrator User Group website https://itsug.org.za.
7. At the conclusion of the session, thank the Presenter/s and hand him/her the gift. Retain one for yourself.
6 February 2025