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1. If there is no Chair for the Session, collect the gifts for yourself as Scribe and the Facilitator, from the 
Conference Office prior to the start of the session. Also collect the ‘Time Keeping Cards’ and return to the 
office after the session.

2. Ensure that delegates are seated promptly, and that the session begins on time (applicable only to Sessions 
where there is no Chair or Facilitator).

3. Welcome all delegates to the session, introducing yourself as the Chair/Scribe, thereafter, introducing the 
Facilitator, Panelists and if applicable the Adapt IT Representative/s (applicable only to Sessions where there 
is no Chair or Facilitator).

4. It is important to take notes that are relevant to the type and format of the session and the required outcome.
i. For example, the notes from an ‘Adapt IT Presentation’ type session might need to be utilized during 
a follow-on ‘Discussion Forum’ type session, later in the day. In this instance, the notes from the 
earlier session would serve as a reference during the later session.
ii. Similarly, the notes from a ‘Discussion Forum’ type session should be far more detailed as they 
may form the basis of a report submitted to Adapt IT, containing recommendations/specifications for 
proposed systems enhancements or a request that a Specialist Working Team (SWT) be convened.
iii. In another instance, the session may be a ‘Break-away’ type session for system specific discussion. 
The summary notes from this session – listed in point format, would be used by the Facilitator to 
report back to the plenary session.

5. Note requests/decisions that a Specialist Working Team (SWT) or Workshop be convened. Note the 
issues to be referred to such SWT or Workshop. In the case of SWTs record the proposed SWT members. 
Refer the requests for an SWT or Workshop to the User Group Committee meeting through your User Group 

6. It is not necessary to minute general discussion, noting all questions & answers, unless this detail is relevant 
in terms of proposed enhancements.

7. At the conclusion of the session, thank the Facilitator and hand him/her the gift. Retain one for yourself.

8. Before leaving conference ensure that you have the contact details of the Facilitator.

9. After conference, type up the notes and compile the framework of a report, the feedback form is 
available online. Forward this to the Facilitator within fourteen (14) days and consult directly with the 
Facilitator with respect to finalizing the report.
